For PrintPro developpers:
The positive is:
I can transfer almost any files from my Vista to my ipad and the user experience is clean (but could still not print until I did some DOS acrobatics) - also I can do that with many other apps like dropbox)
The negative is: (if you care)
1) Well it could not find my wireless printer connected on my network (Canon MG5200 ) it also never enabled airprint (the descr says it "enables printing" which now I understand to take loosely)
2) The description says "prints notes, web pages photos... but this is through its own app - NOT from standard apps on my ipad (email, safari etc)
For Apple developpers:
To enable Airprint on my Windows Vista I had to dig some forums (nothing on the Ipad doc itself) then run DOS cmds to start windows services (wooa), then create a user / password (to overcome the user name password prompt and then FINALLY was able to print from almost any standard app on my ipad; I lost about 4 hrs of digging & trial and errors.
It works now and Im very glad - *** but it should not take that much effort and certainly not DOS prompt acrobatics like in the 80s.
JCC1010 about Print Pro